Heiva is Culture.
Heiva is Community.
In 2025, Heiva i Kaua`i celebrates the 23rd anniversary of a unique, exciting and colorful Tahitian dance and drumming competition. This annual event provides a venue for performers of all ages to present their talent, skill and cultural knowledge to an audience of more than 1000 attendees daily! On Saturday and Sunday, August 2 and 3, from 9am to 5pm, come and enjoy this community-sponsored, family-centered celebration of Tahitian culture at the Kapa`a Beach Park (4-1464 Kuhio Highway). Participants from Hawai`i, the Mainland and Japan, with a range in age from toddler to elder, perform solo and group competition and exhibition dances portraying legends and stories of Tahiti. Event admission is $8 at the door. Children age 12 and under are admitted free.
After opening ceremonies, solo competition is held on Saturday, starting with the youngest age groups and continuing through adults, until the championship dance-offs in the afternoon. Solo categories include traditional otea vahine and tane, for junior, senior and master (age 26+) divisions. Group categories include otea, aparima, ahupurotu and drumming. Heiva I Kaua`i offers an amateur/youth group category for contestants under age 19. Group competition is scheduled for Sunday.
Vendors offer an extensive array of Tahitian and other Pacific Island gifts, jewelry, art, woodwork and clothing. Food vendors sell a variety of ethnic foods. Artists provide demonstrations of Polynesian crafts.
Heiva I Kaua`i is grateful for support from the County of Kaua`i and the Kapa`a business community. This event is ADA accessible. Persons in need of auxiliary aid to participate, please call the number below at least 7 days before the event. For information call 808-822-9447.
Participants and attendees are invited to make their reservations at a discounted rate at Sheraton Kauai Coconut Beach Resort at this link
Photos by Mike Teruya.