Heiva i Kaua`i Ia Orana Tahiti

International Tahitian Dance Competition

August 2–3, 2025, Kapa`a Beach Park, Kaua`i, Hawai`i

Application Guidelines and Process

Dance Area Specifications | `Ori Tahiti Eligibility Categories |Time Limits | Photographs | `Ote`a |Aparima | Drumming | Ahupurotu | Music | `Ori Tahiti Solo Competition | Overall Winning Group |Costumes | Fact Sheet | Scoring | Judging

Last day to enter solo or group competition is:

July 18, 2025.

No applications accepted after this date.

Heiva 2025 will be held on August 2–3, 2025 at Kapa`a Beach Park, Kapa`a, Kaua`i, Hawai`i. Hours will be from 9 am to 5:00 pm.

General admission cost will be $8 per day with age 12 and under free.

Dance Area Specifications

The dance area is grass, approximately 36’ long by 18’ wide. Musician’s area is the County of Kaua`i stage, approximately 36’ long by 14’ wide.

`Ori Tahiti Eligibility Categories

Group competition is open to any dance group with a minimum of 5 dancers and no maximum. Any dancer may enter the solo competition.

The 1st place winners in junior and senior division age groups will compete for the place of overall winner for vahine and for tane for that division. 

The 1st place winners in the masters division age groups will compete for overall winner vahine and tane, master. 

Dancers entering the solo competition will be admitted free on both competition days. 

Group Categories

Group Otea

Group Aparima

Group Ahupurotu 

Tahitian Drumming

Amateur - Youth Group Category

Group Otea Aparima (combined)

Tahitian Drumming

Criteria for amateur youth category:

  1. Contestants must be age 18 years or younger, or

  2. If contestant is over 18, must have less than 3 years of dance experience.

  3. Judging criteria will be the same as for adult groups

The special entry form for amateur-youth group must be completed and submitted by the deadline.

Performers (dancers, musicians, and drummers) in group categories will be admitted free on the days they perform.

Admission will be allowed according to the names of performers listed on the halau’s application. 

Heiva I Kaua`i reserves the right to photograph group and solo dancers during the event. Photos are used for promotion of the event through the Hawai`i Tourism Authority, Hawai`i Vistor's Bureau, and other event-promotion agencies. Performers must sign photo release forms. 

Guidelines for All Participants:  

  1. Drummers and musicians must be appropriately costumed. Music must be live. 

  2. Groups must have entrance and exit routine. For each category, only one entry per group. 

  3. Traditional or contemporary Tahitian themes may be used. 

  4. Points will be totaled, and prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each group category.


  1. Otea amui: Group dance performed by men and women, illustrating a precise theme. Choreographically, the movements and steps performed by the men may differ from those performed by women. (Groups may perform with only women) 

  2. Otea costumes must use traditional materials with natural fibers, feathers and/or shells. Judges will inspect costumes with this in mind. 

  3. Dance steps for men include the basic steps: pa`oti (scissor knee movement), tu`e (kick/strike), tifene (go down), nu`u (glide), ou`a ofati (leap), otamu (step, lift hip), ori opu or tua ne’e (belly roll and others. Dance steps for women include: tamau (sway), fa`arapu (circles), varu (figure 8), afata (box and diamond), tifene (go down and shuffle) and others.  

  4. Judging will be for precision and proper execution of a variety of these steps in accordance with the theme and music chosen by the group. 

  5. Hivinau or Ori Faaohu or Upa Faaohu is a dance in a double circle performed by men and women who turn in a circle. The dialogue between the leader and the troupe develops along a theme. The movements and the steps of the men may differ from those of the women. The performance of the Hivinau may however be particular to one island. Up to 25 Extra points will be awarded if Hivinau is incorporated properly into the `Ote`a performance. 

  6. Paoa is a performance in a circle or half circle, beat provided by patautau. The orchestra is surrounded by male and female dancers squatting, slapping their thighs with frenzy. The dialogue between the leader and the troupe develops along a theme. This dance may be augmented by the presentation of one or many male and female dancers miming the theme of the dance. Up to 25 Extra points will be awarded for Paoa as a part of the Otea presentation. 


  1. Aparima Vava: gesture performance miming in a symbolic manner the different activities of daily life. 

  2. Aparima Himene: of modern conception, gestural interpretation with sung and/or musical accompaniment, illustrating the different activities of daily life. 

  3. Aparima costumes may be of natural fibers and fabric. 


  1. The drumming competition will be judged as a separate category. 

  2. Musicians and drummers must compete only with their own group. 

  3. Drummers should follow the traditional style of bringing their instruments to the area in front of the judges. The range of individual beats should be presented, each by name, with the orchestra performance to follow. 

  4. Scoring: drumming will be scored for the clarity and variety of beats and rigor of the performance. The maximum number of drummers allowed is 20, and they may use a variety of traditional and contemporary Tahitian instruments. The following traditional beats are mandatory: hitoto, ta`akoto, paea, pahae, puarata and pora. Using a mixture of traditional and contemporary styles is recommended. 


  1. There should be a minimum of 5 dancers, and the costume should be a one-piece, ankle- length dress or pareo style garmet. No bare midriffs. The dress should fit the theme of the presentation. Live music is required. A fact sheet should be submitted, which includes the words to the song. 


  1. Music will be judged as part of the Aparima competition. 

  2. The use of electronic instruments is permitted. The following is a list of authorized instruments: To`ere, fa`atete, tari parau, pahu tupa`i, ihara, all percussions of Polynesian origin or inspiration, vivo, pu`ofe, guitar, ukulele, pu. 

Ori Tahiti Solo Competition 

  1. Contestants will be given their solo numbers on Friday, the day before the solo competition, from 4 to 6 PM at the Kapa`a beach park. Numbers should be pinned top and bottom in front of the pareo. 

  2. House drummers will provide all drumming for eliminations and finals. All dancing will be impromptu. 

  3. All vahine Ori Tahiti participants must wear a pareo that is only 1 piece of fabric that reaches no higher than 4 inches above the knee. Pareo must be tied on the side. No "rollups." No ruffles or bands may be sewn onto the pareo. No hip bands. No props or hand-held objects allowed. Headwear and traditional necklaces are welcome. 

  4. Dancers who receive the highest score in each age group qualify for the junior and senior championships. 

  5. There is no limit to the number of soloists from any halau. Independent dancers are welcome.

Sharing or borrowing dancers between groups during the 2 days of the Heiva I Kaua`i is not permitted. 

A list of the first and last names of all group performers (musicians, dancers and "extras") must be received at Heiva I Kaua`i, P.O. Box 327, Kapa`a, HI 96746, no later than 7 days prior to the first day of the Heiva. This list will determine the number of free admission passes for performers. Admission gate volunteers will be instructed that only performers with passes will be admitted free. If it is necessary to add or change listed performers, the halau must notify the Heiva Committee prior to the Friday before the competition. 

It is permitted for groups to have assistance from drummers or dancers from outside the U.S. (for example, from Tahiti) but the individual’s name must be listed on the group’s roster. 

Overall Winning Group

Total scores of the Otea, Aparima and drumming winners will be added to select the overall winning group. 


Costumes will be examined by the judges after the group’s presentation. Costuming will be graded during the group’s presentation and should be appropriate for the dance. Natural products such as shells, fresh flowers, seeds, leaves, ferns, and tapa are acceptable for hip and hei upo`o, using an authentic Tahitian styling. No artificial or silk flowers are allowed. I`i, fans, coconuts, ti leaves, or other hand-held implements may be used. `Ote`a skirts must be mo`re and may be double or single. 

With the exception of fastenings, it is forbidden to wear non-Polynesian jewelry such as watches, bracelets, necklaces or earrings. 

Fact Sheets

All groups must submit fact sheets one week before the competition. The following should be included: group name, artistic director, name of Otea, and/or Aparima piece, words to the songs, the story or research behind the selection and a brief outline of the choreography, costume and colors used. There should be no more than two typed pages for each group entry performance. Fact sheets must include an original and four (4) copies, for a total of five (5) copies for the judges and M.C. If no fact sheet is submitted for a group entry category, there will be a 50 point deduction for that entry category. If the fact sheet is late, there will be a 25 point deduction. 


Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 in each division. 


Vahine will be judged on ability to perform the following traditional steps, including tamau (sway), fa`arapu (circles), varu (figure 8), afata (box or diamond), tifene  (go down and shuffle). 

Tane will be judged on ability to perform the following traditional steps, including pa`oti (scissors), tu`e (kick), tifene (go down), ou`a ofati (leap and kick), and otamu (step, lift hip). 

Dancers may be awarded extra points for use of other steps in addition to the mandatory steps within the 2-minute time limit. Judging of artistic presentation will include dancer’s grace and elegance, gestures used and creativity and expression. 

Groups will be judged on the appropriateness of their entrance and exit, the level of showmanship of the performance, and the dynamic quality of the group’s presentation. 

Costume will be judged by quality and integration with the theme of the dance. Natural traditional materials are favored. No artificial flowers. 

Interpretation: Judges will listen for the quality of the music and the appropriate drum beats for each dance as well as its interpretation with the theme of the dance. Proper pronunciation and understanding of Tahitian lyrics used is very important in interpreting the theme. 

Choreography is a very important aspect of the performance. Proper interpretation of the dance theme as stated on the fact sheets should be reflected in the choreography. Choreography should express the theme, and display creativity, while using traditional Tahitian dance movements of correct form and style. 

Execution and Precision: The dancers’ overall presentation, use of the stage area and interaction with the audience will be judged. This area also includes the entrance, dance transitions and exit. Dancers’ ability to perform traditional Tahitian steps with vitality and precision will be observed as well as coordination of music and dance movements. 

Expression: Facial expressions should match the theme of the music and dance. Group should convey the feeling of esprit de corps (ensemble). 

Creativity: Be creative while using mostly Tahitian traditional steps. Newer steps may be used. Props and other enhancements that convey the theme are encouraged for group performances. 

Last Note : All matters of question applying to the competition will be resolved by the judging coordinator and judges. Judges will have the authority to eliminate time and performance penalties.

Mail application and materials to Heiva I Kaua`i, P.O. Box 327, Kapa`a, HI 96746.

For more information: call 808.__________